
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cigar Nation Biz Dev

Actually, if it weren't for Erik I wouldn't be smoking these. He turned me on to them about two years ago. If it weren't for Erik we wouldn't have a kick @$$ podcast too.

So as write this I puff away, enjoying the amazing amount of smoke, the chocolate flavors and the smoothness I ponder about The Cigar Nation.

Erik and I are working on some "Biz Dev" type things. OK, I am, he's the tech freak. I'm the sales, marketing and biz dev part of the show.

I'm working on a Cigar Nation monthly cigar sampler. Tell me what you guys think of this...

Every month we pick out or have someone pick 5 or so sticks. We then offer them up to you guys for purchase and you smoke them, and then we smoke them and review them on the podcast. You would order them from the retailer we get set up with, and they'll ship them to you. Let me know your thoughts on this. This is something we could get up and running within just a couple weeks. Post a comment about it or send me an email, josh at thecigarnation dot com.


At 11/1/06, 1:33 PM, Blogger Zee said...

Josh, sounds like a cool idea, but you guys would have to be on the ball with getting shows out (i.e. every 2 weeks or every month) I know you guys "slip" sometimes in getting the latest show out. :)

At 11/5/06, 10:33 PM, Blogger Ex.Coll. said...



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