
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Don Salvatore Draw Enhancer

This thing has been a real life saver. Click on the image to go to the Don Salvatore site to get the "technical description" because, heaven forbid The Cigar Nation should be technical. It's strictly forbidden in our bylaws.

This thing has has saved my ash many times since picking it up a couple months ago. It's also saved every one my of Tatuaje VI red labels. This works much better than tools like DrawPoker because it actually chews up the inside of your cigar and pulls some crap out with it so it draws nicely again. I prefer the method in which I twist it it in like a drill bit, it seems to "drill in" very well and straight. I've probably used it on more cigars than normal only because it's so easy to use and makes even the least bit not so perfect cigar perfect. I recommend every cigar loved pick one of these up today!


At 5/29/07, 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good timing. I could have really used one of these Sunday night as the Fresco Maduro I was smoking during a bonfire just kinda...stopped. I'm assuming that I experienced my first plug. Unfortunately my efforts to "keep 'er goin'" just gave me a foul taste, but for less than $3/stick it wasn't a total loss. Up to that point, the stick was fantastic.

At 5/29/07, 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got to seems that iTunes is still having issues letting me download episode 27. Any word on when that might be up and running again?


At 5/29/07, 1:01 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Cory-- Beat iTunes. Just kidding... Go to and download it right from the website. Otherwise contact iTunes tech support!

At 5/29/07, 1:03 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Uhhh, yea, usually when you tug on a cigar like that nothing but bad things occur.

Although when plugged, you'll usually notice it from the beginning, and you'll know it when you experience it!

At 5/30/07, 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh...interesting. I must have just dropped the ball then and let it peter out.

I'm pretty computer illiterate, but I'll try downloading it straight from the site again (I had trouble with that as well).

At 5/31/07, 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


are you still having problems with episode 27? let me know, as this is the first i've heard of it


At 5/31/07, 8:55 AM, Blogger Josh said...

yea... I didn't tell erik :( I'm a bad co-host.

At 6/3/07, 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erik, all is good now. In fact, I don't think there ever was a problem on your guys' it turns out, all I needed to do was download the latest version of iTunes.


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