
Monday, July 16, 2007

Liquor Questions

For the show we'll be recording this Thursday night we'll be having a guy who works for a liquor distributor and has his own liquor consulting business on the show. Please post any questions you have about scotch, tequila, run or liquor (no beer questions) for him in the comments and we'll try to get to them during the show!


At 7/17/07, 7:02 AM, Blogger Cory said...

A friend of mine was up here in the Twin Cities area for my Wedding this past June, and he being from Mexico, brought up a bottle of Don Julio Reposado. After tasting it a few times, I can't help but notice that there is a strong resemblance to scotch. Is this just a case of my underdeveloped pallette? Or is taste really that subjective?

At 7/18/07, 2:43 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

As of late, I have become a big fan of both silver tequilas and Belgian Farmhouse Ales...As far as domestic cigars go, which way should I lean...sungrown or corojo?

At 7/18/07, 8:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Could you have a explanation of single malt scotch versus single cask scotch? Should single cask scotch be diluted and if so, how much?

David from Toledo

At 7/18/07, 9:27 AM, Blogger Josh said...

Both questions are great (Andrew, I don't know why you asked that. I think you need a Maduro, you've been demoted to cigar toddler), keep them coming.

Cory - Will we see you thursday night???

At 7/18/07, 9:58 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

Take a look at the time stamp on my post...that may explain part of my post...I had just finished consuming copious amounts of Silver Patron...

At 7/22/07, 7:25 AM, Blogger Cory said...

Josh, it's now Sunday morning, so I need to check in here more often, hehe...either way though, I was busy on Thursday.

A couple of quick questions:

Is SCCC the new defacto recording studio for you guys? If so, awesome!

Andrew, do you work at SCCC? I'm assuming you're the same Andrew that I've heard on the last few shows? At any rate, I ask because when I heard (who I assume to be) you on the podcast, you sounded familiar. Then I put two and two together and realized that you're the guy I've been buying my cigars from.


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