It's Friday!
I'm contemplating ditching work early today and heading over the infamous SOG (Stogies On Grand)... But what to smoke?
I've been smoking a lot of those La Flor Dominicana Factory Press II, but I had one yesterday and it didn't taste/smoke well...
Anybody got any ideas?
Where o' Where Did You Go?
Hrmmmm, it's been 30 hours since we released our last episdode and no one has emailed me or posted any comments busting my balls. Is everyone in a turkey day induced coma? I just doesn't feel right to not have any "hate mail" yet.
Keep your eyes and noses open for those holiday shipments from Fuente. You can all send me your Don Carlos Lancero's from the Don Carlos sampler package and your Cameroon Anejo's from the Carlito's Way package.

Look @ all those Opus!!!
Episode 20 is up...
You know, it's been over a year since we started this thing and we're only on episode 20... Honestly I'd like to get 10 out by years end, but that would mean an episode every 3 days... and i don't think that even our most die hard fans want to hear from us that much!
anyway, once again, sorry for delays... we are serious about getting some editing/recording help... if anyone out there has a place indoors where we can smoke and record... we're open to any suggestions...
I would love it if you guys could come up with some stories to cover, maybe some news of your own... i think we should get a voice mail number where you guys can call and leave messages... we can play them on the air...
thanks for your patience,
Episode 20
We cut it last night and I promptly edited it (yes, I did some editing even though on the show I said I don't). It was my first stab at editing, I like very much.
Erik has the final copy, is adding music to it and will be posting it tonight. Let the comments begin...
Turkey Day
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. For those of you not in the US, I hope you had a great weekend. If anyone has a great recipe for their turkey or ham post it in the comments section so we can share some ideas before christmas.
Also, don't hesitate to post reviews of cigars in the comments section and share with everyone what you've been smoking.