Episode 28 is up...
Josh had to scramble for this one... I bailed at the last minute due to a sick kid, so he stepped up and did a fantastic job interviewing the local Ashton rep.
I've also finally got episode 26 done... so i'll throw that one out there in the next couple of days, and we should have another one in the can soon, so hold tight!
A Belated Thank You!
I was going to post this yesterday but didn't. I feel bad now.
I would like to thank all of our listeners that are veterans for their service to our country. I would also like to thank everyone who has a family member serving or that served somewhere in support of the Global War on Terror for their support of their family members. I would like to thank our vets who answered the call of duty and supported this war as well.
As some of you may know, I don't agree with the war in Iraq, but everyone who knows me knows not to question my support of the troops! You selflessly answer the call of duty and perform the mission, even if you don't agree with it. And that is honorable and noble, no matter what your position on the war is, and for that I am indebted to all my fellow citizens who have taken the oath to defend this great country before I did and after I did.
To all of you my hat goes off, and the some 24 million living veterans and the millions of others who are not here who have passed on or given thier life in our defense whose footsteps we have served in, who have also selflessy fought in defense of our country in some of the most godforsaken shitholes this earth has to offer; of which some came home from and many didn't.
I enjoyed my Memorial Day, and for that I thank you!
I've had two cigars this wekeend that didn't need my handy Don Salvatore tool. They were both the Perdomo ESV '91 Maduro Regente's. I picked them up at St. Croix Cigar Company friday night. I'm hooked. I'm sitting here at my desk, supposed to be doing my real job but all I can do is salivate about smoking more ESV's. It's like an addiction that's beginning to rear it's ugly head.
First of all, they're built really well. They look amazing. The wrapper is a nice, toothy maduro wrapper. If you look at it long enough, the dark brown will say to you "I'm gonna taste like chocolate!" The draw is impeccable and the flavor enormous. Do yourself a favor, go get one of these, and celebrate summer!
I think they're very similar to a Padron 1964, but they're both different in their own ways. The best part is that they're more affordable!
Don Salvatore Draw Enhancer

This thing has been a real life saver. Click on the image to go to the Don Salvatore site to get the "technical description" because, heaven forbid The Cigar Nation should be technical. It's strictly forbidden in our bylaws.
This thing has has saved my ash many times since picking it up a couple months ago. It's also saved every one my of
Tatuaje VI red labels. This works much better than tools like
DrawPoker because it actually chews up the inside of your cigar and pulls some crap out with it so it draws nicely again. I prefer the method in which I twist it it in like a drill bit, it seems to "drill in" very well and straight. I've probably used it on more cigars than normal only because it's so easy to use and makes even the least bit not so perfect cigar perfect. I
recommend every cigar loved pick one of these up today!
Tatuaje Havana VI
OK... I love the flavor of these little red labeled beauties but... THE FRIGGEN THING ARE ROLLED LIKE SHIT!!!!! I have smoked four red labels, all out of different boxes from two different stores and they've been plugged. I smoked the Hermosos (5.6x46) and the Arista's (6.2x52 torpedo's). The Hermosos are a killer size, I love it but damn. This could very easily be my favorite cigar but won't be until they work out these rolling issues. A box of these things can be had at CI for $113. C'mon, fix these so I can buy more.
PS - The Hermoso I'm smoking right now was kept at about 60% for a week and it stayed plugged. Thank god for my little Don Salvatore Draw Enhancer. I'll make another post about it.